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We use microorganisms to permanently remove CO₂ from the atmosphere




Andes beneficial microorganisms are added to the soil along with agricultural seeds, such as corn and wheat.

These microorganisms grow with plant roots and accelerate the conversion of CO₂ into minerals.

With rainfall, these minerals move deep into the soil, making room for annual CO₂ removal.


Scale & Speed


Climate change needs to be addressed as fast as possible to prevent a catastrophe.

Our microorganism technology integrates seamlessly with existing farm operations.

These microorganisms enable agricultural fields to become mega-factories of carbon dioxide removal while growing food.

Our easy-to-adopt technology results in low-cost, gigatonne-scale carbon dioxide removal in years, not decades.


Permanent & Safe


Andes microorganisms are naturally occurring in soils and benefit plant health.

With science and technology, we harness what microorganisms have been doing for billions of years.

By turning carbon dioxide into minerals, the carbon is locked for thousands of years, providing a permanent and safe way to reduce CO₂ levels in the atmosphere.





The build-up of minerals in agricultural fields has positive effects on soil and plant health.

Benefits of minerals include improved water drainage, higher nutrient content in the soil, and decreased likelihood of plant diseases.

Additionally, minerals stabilize soil organic matter, benefiting the overall health of soil, plants, and communities that depend on agricultural systems.


Contact us


Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint?

Are you a farmer interested on being part of the Andes Carbon Program?


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